Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday's Test...Clipping Pt.2

Time for part two of the test on clipping.

There will only be 10 questions tonight since the answers can be long.  :)

True or False:

~ 1) It is okay to clip a dog when it is wet.

~ 2) It is okay to shave Poodle feet on a Poodle that comes into your shop with the feet already wet.

~ 3) When Wet Clipping, it is better to clip a soapy coat.

~ 4) To safely Wet Clip, you must use a cordless clipper, or plug into a GFCI outlet.
~ 5) It is safer to clip a matted coat before the bath.

~ 6) It is okay to use scissors to splice a large mat in half when clipping a severely matted  coat.

~7) Matted coats can only be clipped with a #7, #10, or a #15 blade.

~8) It is okay to cage dry a matted coat.

~9) A matted dog must be intirely dry before you clip it.

~10) When clipping through very tightly matted hair around the legs, it is best to use the whole blade to fight through the mat.

I hope to post the answers tomorrow, but I have been getting home late every night lately. 
So, if I do not have the answers posted tomorrow night, please check back Thursday night. :)

Happy Grooming, MFF

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