Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesdays Tip # 46....Dealing with Static Electricity

Static Electricity......it can be a real pain in the bu**.

 Especially when you are trying to scissor a dog.

Especially on those dogs with long, straight hair.

The hair sticks to your scissors as you are trying to scissor making it impossible to see what hair you have actually cut.

  Combing or brushing the hair makes it go in all different directions.
It can be so frustrating.

There is one trick that I use that has really helped me over the years.

 Dryer sheets!

I have a box of dryer sheets that I use to keep the static electricity down.

I do not rub them on the dog.

I rub the dryer sheet all over my comb.

Then I run the comb through the dogs hair.

Most of the time I only have to wipe my comb once or twice, with each dog, depending on how bad the static electricity is that day.

I rub the dryer sheet down the pins of my brush before brushing the dog.

 I also carefully wipe the blades of my scissors with the dryer sheets.

I only do one swipe on each blade.

Using the dryer sheets with each of these tools greatly reduces the static electricity on the dogs coat.

  I like using the dryer sheets because they are dry.

I can use them on my tools and not the dog.

I can also pick out a fragrance that I like.

The sheets are also large enough to rip in half to make them last longer.

One sheet will last a very long time.

Oh,  there are a couple other uses for these guys as well.

~Wipe down the front of your smock to keep hair from sticking, or to freshen up your smock after holding a particularly stinky dog.

~Wipe down the top of your grooming table to keep hair from sticking to it.

~If you have windows with blinds, wipe the blades of the blinds to help hair slide off of them.

I hope that this is a helpful tip. :)

✂ Happy Grooming, MFF ✂


  1. Wow, what a great idea! I will go put some dryer sheets in my bag to take to work tomorrow. Thank you, Lisa!

  2. Hehe, I actually have bounce sheets lining my grooming organizer/drawers. My scissors and combs are all nested in them when not in use, really helps and works so well, especially here in Colorado, at an extremely high altitude! It's always super dry and static-y here.. Great tip!

    1. Hi Kat,
      There you go... another good use for them....Thank you! :)
      Lisa, MFF

  3. I know this is off topic. But I read your blog about shaving down goldens. Can I tell you how many times we have had customers come in to have their goldens shaved down to cut back on shedding, I have also seen labs, German shepherds and even a pug shaved down. I think it is horrible! But I work for a company that instead of educating the customer we would rather do what the customer thinks they want, what's easier and what makes us more money. It's sad, I love dogs, that's why I work in the field i do. I have been tempted many times to tell the owners that by shaving them while they are shedding that you are not eliminating the problem at all, sure you won't be able to see all the hair in your house but now you have sharp hair splinters, and that a good brush out will do the job. The customers also don't understand that the dogs coat not only keeps in warm air, but also cool air. They also don't understand that there is a good chance the hair will never grow back the same. I feel it's a disservice to the customer and the pet itself. Unfortunately unless I'm alone in the salon I don't think I can talk someone out of a shave down. I feel I'm at a loss because I don't wasn't to lose my job. What do I do?
    I completely understand shaving down adog because it's necessary(medical reasons, swims a lot-doesn't dry between pond swimming, hotspots. Even if the dog is getting old and isn't handling bruising so well anymore- ecombs) but laziness is not a good enough reason for me, why did you get a long haired dog?!
    Sorry I went on a rant.

    1. Hi,
      Totally understand your rant.

      Have you tried talking to the owners of the place that you work and explaining what you know about clipping these breeds of dogs?

      If you have, and they don't care...I am sorry. It is hard to work for someone who does not see things the same way that you do. That was one of the reasons that I opened my own place.

      I wish that I had a good answer for you.
      Lisa, MFF

  4. Thank you so much for answering my question so well. This sounds like a perfect solution. I had my boss put some on the supply list for me. You are amazing!

    1. Hi Peggan,

      Glad that I could help.

      If you read through the comments, you will see that another groomer has also given a suggestion for the static electricity problem. :)

      Lisa, MFF

  5. Such great ideas! I've been rubbing the worst of my dogs down th dryer sheets before combing because the hair STICKS to everything, but it makes so much more sense to wipe my comb/brush. I also keep dryer sheets in hand when doing quick sweep ups, to rub over the bottom of my broom and keep things from sticking to the floor/broom. So ready for summer and a little more MOISTURE in th air!

    1. Hi Wheaty,

      Another great use for the dryer sheets. I never thought of rubbing them over the bottom of the broom. Great idea!

      Lisa, MFF

  6. that is what scissoring sprays are for, i like espree's silky show line

    1. LOL!

      You learn something new everyday. I have used the scissoring spray before, but never paid attention to the fact that it helps with static cling. :/

      I still like rubbing the dryer sheet over my combs and brushes. Now I have two things to use. :)

      Lisa, MFF

  7. I'm so glad found this tip! After the bath, I do not like to spray anything on a dog's coat (unlike Anonymous with the questionable "scissoring spray"). Thanks for Sharing, I wish I had googled this back in November!
