About Me:

I am a professional Pet Groomer. I have been grooming for 28 years. This Blog is a kind of diary of my work. I wish I had started years ago, writing some of the experiences I have had while grooming. Most days are fun, some can be sad, some can be just down right crazy. If you are a pet owner and come across this blog, I hope it helps you understand how your pet is groomed. If you are a Pet Groomer, I hope you can relate to some of the stories. Maybe even learn a grooming tip or can leave a friendly grooming tip for me. There is always something to learn, no matter how long you have been grooming.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday's Test...Drying a Dog

Today's true and false questions are about drying a dog.

Note to pet owners who may come across this post:
 The questions below are for Professional  Pet Groomers.
The the dryers that are talked about in the questions are very powerful pet dryers used by professional pet groomers.
These dryers can be bought and used by a pet owner, but you should get some training in the proper use of one before using it on your pet.

Drying a Dog True or False:

1) Cage drying is no longer acceptable in the grooming industry.

2) High Velocity drying is not dangerous.

3) Placing  a cotton ball in each ear while drying helps most dogs accept the drying process better, by muting the loud sound of the HV dryer.

4) You can use a HV dryer on a wet, soapy dog to help remove some of the undercoat.

5) Taking the pointy, small, round blower tip off of the end of the dryer hose can help remove mats, undercoat, and can help fluff dry.

6) The pointy, small, round blower tip is best used for removing some undercoat, and excess water off the coat.

7) Every dog can be HV dried.

8) You can not completely dry a dog with a HV dryer.

9) Placing a towel over a dog while HVing can reduce the amount of water and hair that flies around the room while drying.

10) Placing a towel on the drying table, for the dog to stand on while drying, will help the feet dry more quickly.

11) A terry clothe towel is the best way to remove excess water from the dogs coat.

12) The strength of the air is more powerful on a HV dryer without the pointy, round blower tip.

13) It is okay to keep HV drying if the dog is really scared.

14) There is such a condition as 'dryer seizures'.

15) A variable speed controlled dryer is a better dryer to use than a Hi/Low speed dryer.

16) The pointy, small, round blower tip should never be put right up against the dogs skin.

17) Using a towel along with the HV dryer can speed up the drying time.

18) The best way to remove undercoat while drying, is to remove the pointy, small, round blower tip, and place the large round tip right against the skin to blow the undercoat out.

19) The HV dryer can not be used like a stand dryer.

20) The direction you blow the hair determines how the hair will lay.

That's it for today's questions.
I will post the answers to 1-10 tomorrow.

Happy Grooming, MFF

1 comment:

  1. These dryers can be bought and used by a pet owner, but you should get some training in the proper use of one before using it on your pet.dog grooming
